Alok Shree

Alok Shree

Music director

A Name who has over the years established himself as a genuine contender for the ‘best thing to happen’ to Nepali Sangeet in recent times is Alok Shree.

One such name who has over the years established himself as a genuine contender for the ‘best thing to happen’ to Nepali Sugam Sangeet in recent times is a musician of immense reputation, Alok Shree. So, it did not come as a surprise when he was deservedly awarded by ‘Narayan Gopal Smriti Prathisthan’ with the prestigious ‘Naryan Gopal Smriti Samman award’ for his contributions. Alok Shree, who has launched over a dozen successful singers is also credited for rejuvenating the once sagging careers of singers with the likes of Ramkrishna Dhakal and Yam Baral topping the list. His musical prowess, however, has not been limited within the confines of Nepal for he in the past has been instrumental in bringing the legendary Indian ghazal singer Jagjit Singh into the forefront of Nepali music, not to mention Udit Narayan Jha often singing to his tunes.



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